
If I Were President Writing Samples

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If I Were President - Essay Example

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Currently, terrorism is threatening international peace and each president needs to protect the locals. If I were to become the president, I would ensure that citizens…

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If I Were President

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  • Subject: English
  • Type: Essay
  • Level: Masters
  • Pages: 1 (250 words)
  • Downloads: 18
  • Author: leone44

Extract of sample "If I Were President"

If I Were the President Presidents perform various tasks for their citizens and this requires a dedicated, and an active support team. Currently, terrorism is threatening international peace and each president needs to protect the locals. If I were to become the president, I would ensure that citizens have adequate access to medical, recreational and development facilities to enable them contribute to the social and economic affairs of the country. If I were the president, I would ensure that citizens get access to all the necessary amenities, including medical care and learning facilities.

For instance, providing affordable insurance covers is a way of enabling accessibility to medical care. This is because all citizens are free to seek medical attention whenever the need arises. I would also strengthen security operations within the country to attract foreign investors and boost the confidence of the citizens in undertaking their endeavors without fear.As a president, I would improve development and recreational facilities in order to develop productive workers. Training helps in the preparation of workers who contribute to the economic growth of a country.

Similarly, recreational activities make people healthy and active in building the nation. Sports activities are also foreign relations tools since they bring together players and supporters from other countries. Fostering international association facilitates trading activities that develop economies and improving citizens' living standards. Presidents who engage the citizens in decision-making get the chance to understand the people's requirements and development strategies. Considering the above, if I were the president, I would concentrate on aspects that enable the citizens to participate in nation building.

I would give more youths the chance to explore their skills by enacting policies that relate to their affairs and job creation. This minimizes the dependence on social welfare benefits, which breeds laziness and criminal offenses.

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If I Were President Writing Samples


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